March 2nd

Our Coronavirus research project uncovered public attitude towards the government’s response to the pandemic – revealing that half or Brits think that all travel to and from the UK should be stopped, in a bid to halt the spread of the virus.

A study of 1,000 UK adults found almost a third are ‘very concerned’ about the virus, with 73 per cent worried about elderly relatives or those considered to be ‘high-risk’.

Just under half (49 per cent) do not believe the Government is doing enough to contain the outbreak.

Many believe all major festivals and sporting events, such as Glastonbury, Cheltenham Festival, FA Cup final and the Grand National should be scrapped to prevent its spread.

More than a quarter of those polled are worried about the effect the virus is going to have on their holiday plans, with 14 per cent thinking about cancelling or changing travel arrangements.

Many are changing day-to-day routines as a result of the virus, with 53 per cent washing their hands more often than usual and 40 per cent now using an anti-bacterial hand gel.

Almost a quarter even admitted avoiding handshakes while another 14 per cent are trying to get out of hugging other people.

A spokesman for research firm, said: “Coronavirus has been in the background of our lives for six weeks, but it’s only over the last few days that it’s become something many are beginning to take seriously.

“Previously, it was something affecting other countries – many of which most people wouldn’t have visited, so it was easy to put to the back of your mind.

“But with several confirmed cases in the UK – a figure which is only likely to rise – people are now thinking more about the effect the virus could have the UK and their own lives.”

The campaign was a public attitude project, seeking to uncover the opinion of the public on the most crucial matter of current times. Research was conducted proactively, with the survey undertaken by our panel. We sold the story into national media to ensure our important findings reached as wide an audience as possible.