In your lifetime how much would you expect to spend on beer? Our latest research found the average Brits spends £38,819 on beer in their lifetime!
During this collaboration with SMARTY Mobile, we polled 2,000 Brits who consume alcohol. We discovered that 57 per cent believe that the price of drinks are ridiculously high, with the average pint setting Brits back £3.61 on average, and Londoners having to fork out £4.49 a pint! Londoners over a lifetime will spend around £82,731 in total on their alcoholic beverages.
A spokesman from SMARTY, said: “The research shows just how much the price of something – particularly a pint – differs depending on where you are in the country. Brits are paying much more for exactly the same product purely because where they are based. We believe the public should receive the true value of what they pay.”
Additionally, our research picked up that on the occasion that Brits go to their local free house, they spend on average £17.53 and go four times a week.
Below are the top 10 most expensive cities to get a beer:
1. London £4.49
2. Bristol £3.77
3. Brighton and Hove £3.75
4. Plymouth £3.46
5. Manchester £3.36
6. Norwich £3.34
7. Newcastle £3.31
8. Leeds £3.25
9. Leicester £3.06
10. Glasgow £3.01
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