Have you ever thought about removing a food group to make yourself look better? 

In our latest research, we polled 1,000 16-25-year-olds to find out why young females are cutting certain food groups from their diet. Our results found that 53 per cent of females avoid eating certain food groups in order to look better, with over a quarter saying that they have eliminated certain food groups from their diet due to their friends doing so. 

One in five young females have removed dairy from their diet completely, despite the fact that dairy products are nutrient-rich which offer calcium, vitamin D and protein. Additionally, dairy is important for growing females as calcium supports to maintain normal bones and teeth.

Nutritionist Lucy Jones said: “Certain food groups provide crucial nutrients that can help support a healthy lifestyle, so removing them can have unwanted health effects that many may not be aware of. Arla’s research emphasises how important it is to not only continue to encourage girls to enjoy a balanced diet, but to make it easy for them to do so.”

This research which we collected was commissioned by Arla, a Scandinavian multinational cooperative based in Denmark.