How old do you think you were when you found your fashion sense. From our latest survey, we have found that you can develop your fashion sense by the age of 7. This survey was commissioned by Capsule Chix, a fashionable android doll company that allows kids to customise their own dolls.
Our researchers found that by the stage kids are developing a feel for what they like to wear and start taking a closer interest in different clothing styles.
Our research among 2,000 parents was commissioned to launch a new doll which encourages kids to show off their individual styles.
Emily Maclennan, group sales and marketing director at Moose Toys which makes Capsule Chix, said: “Style is a really important part of self-expression, so it’s great to see parents allowing and encouraging this from a young age.”
This project was launched in partnership with our sister company 72Point, who managed a global media relations operation around this research, achieving top tier media coverage in 23 media publications such as the Metro, Herald and MSN in countries including the UK, USA, New Zealand, Singapore and Portugal.