OnePoll has once again collaborated with Nestle Professional for their BuzzBites reports. The reports aim to delve deeper into consumer attitudes and behaviour as well as to look at the current issues facing the food industry. The latest report, HYPER-CONVENIENCE: Breaking Boundaries to Meet the Needs of 24/7 Consumer’, focusses on the issue of convenience.
The survey found that 60% of the 500 consumers have eaten breakfast, lunch or dinner on the go. The on-the-go culture extends to how people are ordering their food, with the third of 18-24-year-olds using a smartphone or tablet app to pre-order food and drink. This need for speed is reflective of time people are spending on meal times themselves., with 70% spending 10 minutes or less on breakfast and 95% now spending less than 30 minutes on lunch. These time constraints illustrate the potential benefit to establishments that can offer food and drink at the click of a button. 34% of customers feel that places that do make them feel more efficient. 21% say they feel their time is being respected and 25% feel better connected.
The research conducted in collaboration with Nestle Professional landed on a number of food and drink, retail and restaurant related sector specific sites including Quick Bite Magazine, Eat Out Magazine, Retail Times, Big Hospitality, as well as on the Morning Advertiser.
You can download Nestle Professional’s full BuzzBites: Hyper-Convenience report via their website.