Health apps are changing our motivation to exercise, our survey for Lucozade Sport reveals. A whopping 52% of those surveyed revealed they would be more likely to be active if they used a health app.
But motivation isn’t the only thing driving the use of apps. Other reasons included: tracking their progress (69%), to set targets (32%) and for the encouragement to be more active (31%).
Unsurprisingly 70% stated that they want to be more active as part of a healthier overall lifestyle. However, this goal isn’t so easy for everyone to achieve. 40% admitted that motivation was a problem when trying to achieve what they wanted but other barriers include time constraints (26%), being too lazy (23%), and a lack of enjoyment for exercising (22%).
The survey was commissioned as part of Lucozade’s Made to Move campaign which aims to find out more about what motivates people to exercise. The campaign has recently seen the introduction of the Made to Move™ app to reward people for moving more.
The survey was featured on Yahoo Sport, Yahoo Finance and Sport Stylist.