Have you ever wondered what things damage your skin? We all know about the effects of UV rays and the damage sunbathing can do but the truth is our skin is at risk from things we experience every day, such as stress and even from our daily commute!

Indeed Labs commissioned a survey of 2,000 women aged 25+ with us to find out how much they knew about factors that have adverse effects on our skin.

88% claimed that their anxieties are so common it can stop them enjoying life and 77% admitted to spending up to 10 minutes every day worrying. Despite this less than half of the 2,000 women knew of the damage that stress can do to their skin.

The women were also unaware of the effect pollution can have on their skin, with only 29% thinking about protecting their skin from their daily commute. According to research in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the average commuter inhales up to 300 times more free radicals from airborne pollution every day than they would do by smoking a cigarette. Who knew?!

The survey, which featured on the Telegraph and Style Caster, was conducted by Indeed Labs to launch their Vitamin 24 product, which is formulated with 22% Vitamin C.