When did you and your partner last have a ‘Date Night’ with your partner? Can’t remember? Don’t worry you’re not alone.

According to our survey for Book-a-table.com, 39% of couples can’t remember the last time they went on a date with a 1 in 10 admitting they never go out with their partner.

The survey of 1,000 people in a relationship revealed that  this neglect could be detrimental to the relationship with 78% believing that finding the time for each other can prevent break-ups. Despite this just 1 in 20 say they have a designated date night with the other half. 1 in 5 stated that they only manage to go on a date twice a year.

But what do couples do when they eventually do go out? Dining out was named as the most popular option (56%). Cinema was also listed as an enjoyable option in contrast to watching sport with only 1 in 30 opting for that as their date activity of choice. 4 in 10 couples even counted staying in with a takeaway as ‘date night’.

The story, which featured in The Independent, named money, work and lack of energy as reasons for shelving date nights.