It’s no secret that there is an overwhelming volume of content demanding our attention every day.

Not only are we consuming more content than ever, but the type of content that we’re exposed to is evolving in equal measure. The move from primarily text based stories towards more media rich storytelling brings benefits to the consumer, publishers and brands alike.

As publishers look for more engaging content to help drive traffic to their site and increase dwell time on the page, they are featuring more visual content in a variety of formats.

So where does research come in?

Research can form a solid creative foundation for generating relevant and highly engaging content.

Here are 5 ways that research can be used to generate content in 2016…

1. survey based stories

Brands and agencies have long been utilising research to create survey-led news stories to generate national news exposure, in print, online and on air. Indeed, OnePoll has been conducting research for data-led storytelling for well over 10 years now.

Not only do survey-led stories appeal to the national press, when they really strike a chord with the reader they have the potential to be picked up, discussed and shared many times over, and across multiple channels.

2. infographics & animations

Data visualisation can help to present data-led content in a more easily digestible, engaging (and fun!) format.

Not only do infographics and animations offer a colourful way to showcase research findings, they can incorporate a brand’s identity and campaign messaging within the design.

Perfect for visual storytelling, infographics and animations help summarise and emphasise key stats. They lend themselves well to being published and promoted to target audiences and shared by followers.

3. video

Videos have become an increasingly important tool for creating and sharing original content.

Whether used for a corporate explainer video, to film a PR stunt, or to encourage user-generated content, a video has the potential to educate, inform, promote and entertain. Video can be used effectively for sharing research findings and telling a survey-led story. Research can also help form ideas and the foundations of a great video campaign.

4. quizzes & interactives

The use of quizzes by online publishers grew rapidly in 2015. Many news sites now encourage readers to complete a short quiz or poll at the end of an article. Brands are using quizzes and interactive games to engage with their audience, and appeal to a younger demographic, drive traffic and increase dwell time. Not a day passes without someone sharing their quiz ‘results’ on social media.

Research can form the basis of a quiz or interactive content, as seen here…

5. reports & white papers

Reports and white papers are perhaps the most obvious use of research to create content, and not one to be missed. In-depth written research documents can provide long standing value for brands and companies. Not only can research documents be used for PR and Marketing campaigns and materials, but also for internal communications and reporting.

The real benefit of a detailed research document is that the authors can position themselves as industry leaders on a topic, particularly when the research findings and analysis are featured in industry-specific publications or used as discussion points for conferences and events. Furthermore, research projects like this provide original content for a company’s own website and corporate blogs – much the same way as infographics, animations and video can be published and shared online.

Research will continue to play a big part in driving interesting and original content in 2016, and we look forward to increasing our own use of media rich techniques to present, promote and share our clients’ research findings in the year ahead.