YouTubers were named as the most trusted source of information for UK consumers according to our poll. Magazines came in second with TV and radio completing the top 4.
93% of respondents stated that they felt positive about the products and services featured in a video, with 89% suggesting it increased the chances of them going out and buying the product that was featured.
The survey revealed that nearly a quarter of all respondents watched between 6-10 hours of online video every week. But what are we watching for?
- 32% watch comedy; with men more likely to do so (35%)
- 27% watch music videos; with women more like to do so (29%)
- 20% watch beauty tutorials
In fact, it’s not just beauty. Using online video as a tool for learning proved common generally. Over a quarter of all 16-45-year-olds said they use online video for working out how to do things a few times a week.
Unsurprisingly YouTube was the dominant source of videos (87%), but Facebook was creeping into second place with 45% naming it as their first port of call for watching videos.
The survey was featured on the Huffington Post where you can read about the survey in more detail.